What irks you

Its the tacky crap people add that really gets me.

Any decorative item from Autozone. Stickers, chrome stem caps, whatever. We've all been to Autozone, we know you stuck something on your car that cost .99

I'm REALLY tired of crass stickers and other accoutrements. I'm sorry the only power you have in your life is the ability to offend others, but keep it to yourself.

There are a couple of categories here, and there is some overlap.

1. Stuff that's just obscene: I know we have a bankrupt culture, but why do we have to show it off?

Calvin pissing on whatever - This had outstayed its welcome 10 years ago.
Anything externally visible, stickers, plate frames, whatever, that uses profanity, especially the F word. "Bad *** Boys Drive Bad *** Toys" and the like.
Truck Nuts

This stuff makes the owner look like a knuckle-dragging caveman, and not in a good way!

2. Stuff that is meant to confer that the owner of the car is some Billy Bad-*** Lone Wolf Tough Guy (see Bad *** Boys above, Does Not Play Well With Others, Skulls, any and all threats based around the fact that the owner of the car also owns a gun, etc.).

This makes the owner of a car look like a knuckle-dragging caveman with a small *****.

I'm pretty sick of the "Brand Wars" decals too. What's the point? The brand X guy bought the same sticker with the words in a different place. His car eats Mopars and s**ts Fords. So what!? :boxing:

If you can't say anything nice, then keep your mouth shut!

Harley Davidson stickers on anything other than a Harley Davidson. Remember the "My Other Car is a Porsche" jagoff from the 80s? Don't be that guy.

I don't know if it ruins the car or not, but I also don't like the look of the modern race seats in old cars. I'm talking the Sparco type with the shoulder harness holes and bright colored piping. *10 if the car uses conventional seat belts instead of shoulder harnesses.

Big giant wheels on drum brakes is pretty tacky.