ethanol in gas bad for our cars?

Don't like ethanol and won't run it. I have an ethanol plant right behind my house and I won't use a drop. Doesn't work well in small engines, takes your MPG down in your cars and trucks. Now just to piss off all the good taxpayers out there did you know that the farmer gets about a half buck subsidy for raising that bushel of corn (and right now corn is at an all time high price) and the ethanol plant gets 45 cents a gallon subsidy for making the ethanol. They get about 3 gallons of ethanol out of a bushel of corn so every bushel of corn made into ethanol costs the American taxpayer almost $2 in subsidies. Meanwhile our food prices go higher and higher because we're using our corn to make fuel instead of food. The ethanol board doesn't agree with that but look at your food prices and you decide. There is plenty of crude out there and all we have to do is go get it. Instead of building all these ethanol plants we should be building new refineries.