Don't laugh but I need advice - girl advice

Alright... This is going be painful. But, They are having a car show here in town. They are going to close off a few blocks and do the usual thing, BBQ, live music, that sort of thing.

When I was in college about 6 years ago I ran in to a girl that rocked my world. Lets call her "Mildred". I only met her once but, she made a heck of an impression on me. I was with another girl at the time, so I couldn't really even talk to Mildred. :banghead:

My previous relationship ended earlier this year and shortly after when I was trying to find some old friends I found Mildred and became "Face Book Friends".

I posted a picture of a Porsche and a Ferrari that I saw in town today on my lunch break. She was the first one to comment on it.

My question is... How would YOU ask this girl out? There is no question that I am going to pursue her but, HOW would you go after her?

tell her the cars are yours :sign7: