Don't laugh but I need advice - girl advice

I kinda met my girl the same way at the local fair. (no she was not the bearded lady) Eventually she messaged me on facebook. We talked ... stopped talking for a few months then we ran into each other at the fair again the following year. She knocked me on my *** and the hot pursuit started.
I finally got her cell number and we texted back and forth for 8 months after second meeting (meanwhile she was in a relationship) She told me everything that was going on and i basically only asked questions.
Every morning i made it a point to say "good morning delicate daffodil" or "good morning precious peach" ... etc...
To this day i still make it a point to say good morning to her. She eventually told me after we started dating that she looked forward to my good mornings because it always made her smile or laugh. Compliments and small things add up to major things later on.
I knew she was mine when i was in the hospital for 4 weeks and she sent me a fruit basket. At that point we had only been face to face twice.

Just my small example that went on for a long time before i got anything. She also has a son (2 1/2) and i have a daughter (3 1/2) full time. So we started having play dates and things seem to roll along day by day.