tranny question

hey guys iv got an 1986 318 with the orginal converter and i got a 78-79 904 off a 360 will this tranny work with the 318 converter or should i use the 360 converter? also im doing a slant six switch will the 318 904 combo work with the orginal drive shaft im using shumaker engine swap mounts they say the stock drive shaft will work but my tranny is a good foot longer than the slant 6 tranny! thanks


since your 318 is an '86 model, I'm willing to bet it's externally balanced, which means you can use the 360 trans and converter. Both are external balance, and both have the requisite weights necessary to mate up to your engine. As noted, however, you cannot interchange converters between transmissions (727 to 904).

On the driveshaft - I can't answer that question, but you can do a few quick measurements to verify.