ethanol in gas bad for our cars?

…says not a thing about adding 2-cycle oil (or any other variety of oil) to the gas tank of a car.

Just a reminder, the topic of this thread is "ethanol in gas bad for our cars?"

Yes, and the subthread's about adding oil to the gasohol.

The consensus seems to be yes

I agree with that consensus, as you'll note if you'll look back at what I actually wrote.

fuel additives are clearly one way of combating the issue.

I don't disagree there, either -- read what I wrote.

Your logic appears to be "Additives help combat the bad effects of ethanol-contaminated gasoline. 2-cycle oil added to the gas tank is an additive. Therefore, 2-cycle oil helps combat the bad effects of ethanol-contaminated gasoline." That is a fundamental, basic fallacy; by that logic, grape Kool-Aid added to the gas tank would also be an additive, and therefore would also help combat the bad effects of ethanol-contaminated gasoline.

No, the additive you choose matters. You say 2-cycle oil is beneficial. As proof, so far you've…said it again! Can you do better than that? Where'd the idea come from? Did you read about it somewhere? If so, show us where, will you? If it's an idea you came up with, show us some proof or at least an opinion from someone who's in a position to issue an opinion that counts. Neither yours nor mine counts for much, because I'm not a tribologist or a metallurgist or a petrochemist or a combustion specialist, and I'm guessing you're not, either. What would proof look like? Well, a lab analysis of Sta-Bil's (or any other brand's) ethanol fuel additive and a lab analysis of 2-cycle oil that shows they're pretty much alike would be good.

Unless and until you can come up with some kind of evidence to support your claim, that's all it is -- a claim. You believe in the efficacy of 2-cycle oil for this application. I don't, because the tasks for which 2-cycle oil were designed are different from the tasks required of an additive to combat the bad effects of ethanol in gasoline, oil is known to reduce the octane rating of gasoline, and I believe in using the right tool for the job (I don't try to drive nails with screwdrivers, either). Neither of us is likely to change the other's mind; I'll probably keep using an additive meant for the task at hand and you'll probably keep using 2-cycle oil. *shrug*