Stolen Car and Trailer DFW Duncanville Texas

I appreciate any help the FABO family can provide. No storage not responsible, it's right in the contact. And of course camera on RV lot hasn't worked in months. Besides, in my wildest dreams I didn't see this happening to me. WRONG! Now I am out both projects and some ahole is gonna trash my stuff. Didn't sleep much last night. It was an orange 72-73 Colt that was just panels so that is most likely in a dumpster. The officer said they would change the VIN on the trailer and sell it. The Lancer? who knows, it's not like that is a Hemi Cuda. I just got screwed, plan and simple. It can happen to you, check your locks, check your stuff, get enough insurance to cover your losses. I had the hyper pak intake since I was 15. 40 years. Oh well it's only stuff. God causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. All my family is safe, I have a roof over my head, a loving wife and a job. I am blessed. Thanks for the vent and the help.