Don't laugh but I need advice - girl advice

Whatever you do, don't tell her you posted this on FABO!
She'll check it out. (If i know women!)
Make the impression you can have a good time at the car show/bbq without her. You are just inviting her to get re - aquainted right? And if any thing comes after that, then it's a bonus. If she decides to go on a date with you, you will know within a week. She might not be looking for the BBD, she might be scared because she really likes you. Keep up the chatter on facebook, but whatever you do, don't pressure her. Chasing her is a lot different than pressuring her.
On the other hand, her facebook comments might be just fun flirts to her. Keep flirting back, women like that. Be happy, funny, confident, sure of your future, women like that as well. Let her do most of the talking, and get to know where you and her are at in your lives, and be totally honest with your self if it is just infatuation, or is there really a connection there? Give it time. Women need a lot of time to think about things.
Be prepared to strap on your balls and know how to use them when you need to.
On another note, if she is chasing ''bad boys'' then run. Run as far as you can unless you just want a short term relationship if you know what i mean.
Be yourself and most importantly be honest with yourself. Don't try too hard.
That's all of the advice i have.
(I'll bet the women on this site are having a field day with this thread, jump in there with your comments, ladies!)
Good luck, and keep us posted.