ethanol in gas bad for our cars?

"BTW bar and chain lube is not 2-cycle oil, so I'd be careful about that..."

dang, now my mini bike is on fire and so is half the field.

"But, the physical/chemical interactions between ethanol and a light hydrocarbon in gasoline or a heavy one in an oil is pretty much the same- adding oil isn't likely to change the vapor pressure of ethanol in E10 gasoline."

the effects of the non polar hydrocarbon molecules in oil and gasoline will do the same thing to the alcohol.

But, like 340-4spd said .. let me turn what he said into a question..

Will adding a low vapor pressure oil into the solution reduce the overall vapor pressure of the liquid? My guess is that it will but it will not prevent the alcohol from having its low vapor pressure properties due to lack of polar bonding thus will not abate the alcohol induced vapor lock issues. Man am I speculating here.

"Well, the oil-based additives claim a lubricity effect- I dunno. They will not prevent ethanol attracting water, if anything, they may enhance that process. Ethanol decreases the caloric content of gasoline because ethanol has about 39% less energy per unit volume- that's because ethanol is already partially oxidized."

So since alcohol molecules have been disassociated by petroleum they are free to bond more readily with water..
Excellent plan. Watered down diluted oxygenated crap that costs more and more.

Anything that has less energy pisses me off. The price goes up and its caloric yield goes down.

What about just running 50% benzene and 50 % diesel?
