ok so i got my 69 dart home

got the car pretty well stripped this weekend and i was correct in my thinking most of the stainless in the car was enough to do 2 cars . most of it is trash however . i did however find the trunk lid trim lil banged up but its there , found the dart sport side trim in the car but they welded up the holes . got the glass out and there only seems to be superficial rust around the windows . cleaned up all the bondo around the rear window and theres no holes thru the body but im gonna have to weld up the holes for the vinyl top trim . car came with 2 dash board frames ones in decent shape the other is rotted but the trim,s in nice shape . well ill post up some pics tonight oh ya i forgot about the great big snake skin under the dash that got me a lil concerned when i was pullin the dash out lol