Don't laugh but I need advice - girl advice

My advice is to be really up front - let her know that you are interested and would like to get to know her better. Invite her to dinner and be crystal clear it is a date. I know I'm well on my way to being an old-timer but a phone call is much better than any sort of invite over the computer. Whatever her response at least you gave it your best effort and you know where you stand. I wouldn't worry if she didn't want to go to a car show, most women think almost anything us guys do is boring or worse.

When you do go out bring flowers, something nice like roses... really! She will remember the flowers.

When I was single/(happy) if i was interested in someone and they didn't seem to have any free time I would ask them out for dinner on Tuesday night (nobody ever does anything onTuesday!),if they "couldn't" go either they were REALLY busy or not very interested.

This stuff can be both exciting and disappointing, hang on and enjoy the excitment 'cause when you're changing diapers at 2 AM you'll fondly remember going thru a bunch of this crap.

We're all pulling for you.