Race Inc. 73 Swinger

Ha, my driver side fender is Tahitian Gold Poly (rest of car is Forest Green Poly). I actually changed that out myself, due to a dent. My friend who did the legwork on getting the car for me picked the fender up for $80.00 at the Spring Fling '10. I was going to pull the dent from the original until I went over the car, and realized that wasn't the original fender anyhow.

I have thought several times about letting go of this car, and bringing back one with paint I can live with, but I need to work with what I have. I have a cycle of not finishing projects that I have to break. But once I paint it, then the chrome, will look like poop, etc. And of course every ding or scratch will be heartbreaking. But I was in a hurry to get a car, and this is what I got. But any classic on the road (mine is) is cool, no matter how it looks. I just need to take care of the areas with no paint before the east coast humidity takes it's toll.