Arizona Swinger

Although I haven't had much of a progress report this past month, a lot of parts have been bought, traded for, and restored. Spent some time this past couple of weeks refurbishing the steering column. Since I decided to go to a 4 speed transmission, the column had to be changed from a column shift to a floor shift style. This is all the more difficult since the 70 steering column is a one year only column. I looked high and low for a reasonably priced column in decent shape, and in my search discovered that a 70's model Dodge truck used a similar set of upper shift collars as the 70 Swinger. I picked up a column from a 74 1 ton Dodge truck, disassembled it, stripped and painted the collars and installed them on my 70 Dart column which was previously set up for column shift. Included are a few pictures of the column and the steering wheel/hub assembly going to be used on the car. I also finally chose the finish color for the car. After all of my searching I decided to go with the original F4 and F8 factory colors. The column is painted the lighter F4 base coat with some hardener in it, but no clear, so that it has a satin finish, which should contrast nicely with the dash F8 color. Hoping to have some color on the car this fall! Ben.