Lokar cable adjustment

...bumping an old thread to ask another question because the search didn't quite give me the answer I need...

-just added a lokar to my duster/727 today. Added a return spring at the tranny like pettyblue mentioned---before that, the linkage wasn't going all the way back, and the cable would have about a half-inch of slack in it. Then I saw a couple posts here where people said there (maybe) should be some slack...

The way mine is set up, the lokar starts moving as soon as the throttle moves. So basically, at half throttle, the lokar is halfway, at full throttle it's all the way. The lokar is always pulling the same percentage as the throttle.
If I'm not mistaken, the stock linkage allows some throttle movement before the transmission linkage moves.
Should the lokar be loosened a bit?

(it's going to be a while before the car can be road-tested, and I'd like to have it right before that)