I'm gonna need some help

bruce needs a wheelchair ramp,I'm gonna go to the mobile home surplus place and see if I can get a better deal on lumber to make it out of but then I gotta drive to georgia and build it..I got one volunteer already so now it's down to gittin the lumber and the trip there,if I wasn't in a rut I wouldnt say nuthin about this but dadgummit i'm in a rut at this time....anyway i'm gonna try and do this in the next week or two so if anyone wants to help out with materials let me know,i'll cover the rest and whatever happens....it's gittin dun.............Wagg's

Dang Wagg's I wish I was closer, I have extra treated material from a couple decks that creed has built in town making extra cash
and is here on the hill.. 4X4X8'S an 1X4X12's :banghead:
I bet if there is any homes being built close by the builders would be more then happy to let you go threw there over stock and cut lumber if they are anything like our home builders here in Arkansas :blob:
What town is Bruce's home in and I might be able to help out with matt.
Definitely post up your pay pall address :hello2: I might be good for a box of galvanized nails or some refreshments.
I do have a phone and can possibly find a builder that would be proud to help with matt..