Monkey in a tree

So this monkey is sitting in a tree, smoking a big fat J. He looks down and sees a lizzard walking by, he says "hey lizzard, come on up here." So the lizzard climbs up the tree and sits beside the monkey. The monkey offers the lizzard the big fat J. After a while the lizzard is wasted, and thirsty. The lizzard tells the monkey he is going to get a drink of water. The lizzard slowly walks over to the river, as he goes to get a drink he falls in. This alligator saw the lizzard fall in and goes and puts him back on the shore. "What happened? Why did you fall in the water?" asks the alligator. The lizzard tells about how the monkey got him high. The alligator wants to investigate this, so he walks to the base of the tree, looks up and says "hey, monkey!" The monkey looks down and says"F********ck, dude, how much water did you drink?"