Please pray for this family

TRY--to look beyond the circumstances and it is not EASY to do-Focus on the LORD and the blessing you received from these people while they where on this earth!!! GOD let your path's cross here for the reason's your heart is feeling now,DON'T beat yourself up with the WHY????? Take comfort in the LORD and If you don't have the LORD in your life FIND a BELIEVING friend so that the LORD may enter your life and HELP heal your heart--

Father-we thank you for the promises you gave us in your WORD,You are always with us in times of blessings and times of troubles,I ask you will be with Duster in his time of need,Father I also ask that you help with the healing of his heart and the coming day's as he remembers the blessings these people gave him while they where here on this earth,Heal his heart as only you can do LORD and help him to understand the SUN will be up tomorrow and he can trust in your STRENGTH -- AMEN--Keep your head up and trust in the LORD---Steve