Woodward Dream Cruise Parking ( Free For Members)

Just bumping the offer back up before I lose my mind planning the cruise.

Bo very nice of you...didn't know the Bstone was owned by a FABO member....passed by it more than a few times yesterday....got fried in your club on more than a few occasions a couple of St Pattys days as I recall ( kinda blurred by greenbeer)
Really glad you took it over...as I was not big on the previous owners MUFFBURGERS...there was just something fundamentally wrong with that name for a burger. Didn't know about it this year didn't see the post but you are on the hit list for next year..... mighty decent of you since spot right ON Woodward typically go for as much a $150....couple o' burgers and beers That WE GET TO EAT & DRINK is pretty damn nice of ya....you are dialed in
see ya in 2012 God willing