Newbie looking for info

That looks like a great car, for a reasonable price. I'm not the expert, but I would check for leaky window seals, condition of brakes (including hydraulics), Lift the trunk mat and spare (to look for hidden rust), make sure the transmission shifts smoothly and is not too noisy, and do a compression test on the motor. If the compression checks out, but it smokes a bit on startup, it's almost assuredly valve seals. They can be changed without removing the head, but you can use it as a bargaining tool to knock a few hundred off the price, and as long as the plugs are not fouling, you have some time before needing to repair. These cars are very simple, and pretty robust. I drove a '67 Dart 225/6 daily for a while, and loved it.

If you buy it, I'd consider upgrading to electronic ignition, and learn to adjust your own valves. Learn about the ballast resistor, and keep a known good spare in the car at all times.