Buying Parts in 2011

Schneiderman's right; it's best to forgive a new counter staffer some ignorance and educate him or her about a part almost nobody ever asks for, for a car that was built several decades ago. But Mopar to ya's also right about the wipers. How many of us have had an exchange like this:

You, to the guy behind the counter: "I only see one Anco 12-14 wiper refill on the shelf. Could you please check if you have any more?"

Counter guy sez "What year, make and model are you working on?"

You sez "It doesn't matter, I just gave you the part number. Anco 12-14. It's a 14-inch wiper refill like this what I am holding in my hand."

Counter: "I need a year, make and model."

You: "Fine, whatever. It's a 1972 Dodge Dart."

Counter: "Truck or car?"

You: "Dart. It's a car."

Counter: "What engine?"

You: "It doesn't make any difference! They all used the same wiper! Just pick one!"

Counter: "I need to know what engine. Does it have the one ninety eight three point two, the two twenty five three point seven, the three eighteen five point two or the three fifty five point seven?"

You: "There's no such a thing as a 350 in a Dart."

Counter: "Three fifty. Ummm...sorry, we don't have parts for that car."

You: "No, I said it couldn't have a 350 because they never came that way. A 350 is a Chevrolet engine, and this is a Dodge. It has a 225!"

Counter: "OK a 225...and does it have drum or disc brakes?"

You: "It has 14 inch wiper blades. Anco 12-14s. I can see them on the shelf behind you. Over your left shoulder. Can you please just grab me another one to match this what I have placed on the counter in front of you?"

Counter: "Uhhhh...I have to check with my manager...and he's on lunch...I could take down your, like, name and number...I guess...if you really want me to. That would require paper...and, like, a writing thing...we have these really kewl headlight blackouts, they look phat if you want to impress the chizzicks and, like, stuff. They're on aisle four."

You: "<unprintable>"

Counter: ""
well geez Dan maybe you should have been more understanding and shown a little more compassion towards his feelings - OR stores that sell expensive things that go on expensive things should maybe hire people who have some basic knowledge of those things and them train them to deal with people in a professional manner , had said large breasted blonde bimbo who was hired for her big blue eyes and much bigger tits said to me I'm not sure let me look it up and then looked up the words Carb and Spacer she would have maybe made a sale , or at least kept a customer remember I didn't ask for a sonic transducer for a flux warp capacitor for a 32 Vauxhall ,tho had I the same principle of a confident response then a little hooked on phonics would have led to a professional result . The unfortunate fact here in Victoria is that all the parts places followed the leader in hiring little hotties for delivery persons and have since decided if it works on the service center guy's it will work on the public and all the good parts counter guys are going the way of the dodo in favor of persons who can't sell you the part on the wall without looking it up in the system first ,but damn they are smokin if you know what I mean -oh wait I forgot who I was responding too -never mind

PS Schneiderman while I certainly wasn't born knowing those 2 words , I have since the age of 5 been able to read and sound out those 2 words and as such she certainly should be able to do the same at her tender age of 18+ , I have neither the years left or the desire to teach basic reading skills to every person on this planet who is lacking those skills.

Way to ruin what started out as a pretty funny little cartoon guys