318 Builds

Well, I said dollars/hp the 318 is a bad deal, not that you couldn't build the 318 cheaper if you already have a 318.
Ah, no ya didn't. Y a might have ment it.......
OK, so what does a core 360 engine cost? $300?
Doesn't really matter since some ethier want to build it or they do not have the money to go out and start reinvesting.

Now try to get the 318 to make the same horsepower and torque as the 360 for the price difference ($300). Short of a used nitrous kit, it ain't gonna happen.
We all know this aint gonna happen. NEWBIES EXEMPT. Even mentioning this is just proving me right, first post. Thanks Your closer to a 318 hater now. :violent1:

If you're going to build a hot-rod motor and sweat $300, you're not going to be happy when you're done.
One my take this as, if you aint got the moeny to mess around, don't build a teen and pretend.
So, if someone here wants to do something on the cheap, they shjouldn't? This is what I'm getting.

Whats wrong with hopping up a 318? If your answer is bla bla bla 340, bla bla bla 360, of for which we all know the answer, then dont bother answering. Thanks anyway.