318 Builds

The engine had allways been unrated in a big way and seen as simply a people mover and never anything more than a people mover. It doesn't help that most people jump into a teen with 340 parts and expect it to go fast. Proper combonation and parts selection is needed for any engine, even more so with a 318.

Think about this. If a Ford 302 or a Chevy 327 can get out there and compete, why can't a 318? While bigger is allways easier and better to make power with, it's not allways the cheapest route to enjoy a car with. I can see spending another $200 or $300 on a 360 or $700 on a 340 when you allready have an engine waiting right there for ya.

It's so easy to sit behind a computer and say "Get a bigger engine" "Go big block" "You should have done this, got that, changed this"

For the purchase price of the bigger engine, I can have the block done and ready to go.
Theres allways someone ready to argue and be an *** over what you build, point out sometihng in the favor of bigger engine. Theres never a shortage of ***' and on line has a ton of them.

I agree completely. For some reason the Chevy 327 and the Ford 302 came with the reputation of being excellent performance platforms while the 318 was considered "junk" by all enthusiasts alike. I recall even in the early days of FABO some members had the negative attitude towards the 318.