Who's in the path of Irene?

Longgone, I too thought about the fires and smoke being extinguished. We have a daughter and grandson in Hampton and another daughter in Norfolk. Thank God they went to our other daughters in Raleigh, NC before the storm hit. In NC, they lost power for awhile, and a small tree came down in their driveway, but that was it. Don't know what they will find when they return home. You are saying it's not too bad where you are?

Thanks and prayers for everyone.

This storm dumped a lot of rain and experts said it would take 6 inches of rain to put out the Dismal Swamp fire. Well this should've done it! I don't want to downplay this storm because it still isn't out of here yet, but it was a lot less of everything than what we had expected and prepared for. Although it was still categorized as a ONE when it reached us we never experienced a sustained wind of 75 mph. Hampton and Norfolk got a lot of flooding because of the angle of the storm in relation to the river inlets. I believe (for the most part) that we've dodged a bullet on this one. We have been very fortunate so far, I hope it continues.