A-Bodies...Big Motors / New Hemi Duster - FINAL ASSEMBLY

still catching up on the "list" of things I negleted for the month I spent getting the

Duster ready for the Nats...however I still manage to find time for a small amount of tweeking

made mock-up for last A/C line....should have been back on the road this past weekend...but devoted 100% of time to house construction issue....as in ready

for drywall but fired the HVAC sub-contractor before he finished rough-in...oooppsy.....hey I'm gonna give Jim a call....

PS...by the way...the Duster drove great from the get-go.....throttle seemed sluggish...perhaps too rich....but the tweeking will snappen that up...not mission impossible...the rest is pretty much just completing the what-not and doo-dads ...adding my tach/getting used to the gear vendor/finishing A/C line/finishing the arm rest mod/...ect....nothing exciting or big to figure out