Worried about an old friend/can't find him

Prayers sent for your friend and you for the wisdom to help when you find him.

God Bless.

Prayers on the way.

As alwayssssssssss prayers sent.hope it all turns out for the best.As Cindy would say forget about the outer and stick it in another.

Prayers are sent. Don't think the worst, chances are he is ok. Sorry to hear of this tough time for all involved.

Done Mike.
I found him on the phone sitting in the parking lot of a rehab we have in town, 1 of 3 and he said he can not get help because he is on medication :mad::mad:
We had a good talk and he said his wife has got in touch with him :cheers:
I and two other friends advised him to see his dr and let him get the ball rolling on his recovery, I called him again at 6:15 pm and asked him if Treva and I could stop by and pick him up and go have supper with us and he said he has eaten already and needed to start cleaning his house and mow his yard and water his wife's flower's :sad4:
I am going over to see him today and make sure he is not B.S.ING me and see for my self what he is doing and get updated.
Thank you all for the prayers and support.
I am going to call a friend/co-worker that works at St. Bennards Behavioral Heath and ask him why he can not get in and what will it take to get his rehab started.
I told him to call me this morning when he is ready for company and a free breakfast so I can see him again and keep him in perspective of these crazy things that happen in mid life, it seems that when I brought that up he could relate with it because of what he has seen happen to a few folks when They was at or around 40 years old.
I will give him till 9:00 am to call, then I will call him.
Thank you all again :hello1:, I will be bye his side and keep a close eye on him as I was asked to by many friends that know I have the time and means to.

Our prayers are with you and him also.

Prayers sent mike im late i hope u find ur friend soon bud

I will keep your friend in my prayers.

................U guys are in my thoughts and prayers..................kim........

Prayers sent brother

How about a good ole fashion letter. It's tough when friends fall off. Keep at it he is hurting and needs a friend. Good luck Memike.