when did you 1st ?

Hard to believe but, my father had a 1935 dodge. He found it on the side of the road shortly after he and my mother were married in 1951. The driver was about a mile down the road. The car had thrown a rod. Daddy picked the man up and drove him on into town to a phone.

The man was so pissed of with the car, that he signed over the title to daddy and told him to take it. Since they were in Florida and my parents lived in Macon, Georgia, daddy was gonna have to go back anyway.

Daddy and his cousin ander Forrester went back and pulled the car back to Macon a couple of days later. They found a 1935 Plymouth engine and stuck in the car and daddy drove it until 1966, when hard times forced him to sell it.

Now here's the part nobody believes. I was born in March of 1965. I have memories of being held by my sister, three years my senior in the back seat, while daddy taught mama how to drive a clutch. I have even described details only someone would know who was there.....and I was less than a year old. Weird, I know.....but true.

Fast forward to 1971. My grandfather bought a branks new shiny B5 blue Dodge Dart Swinger. 318, 904 and 7.25. That car probably got me into Mopars. I can remember when I got to be driving age, they still had the car and it had like 40K miles on it.

Every now and then I got to drive it to the store for them. I promise you it had every bit of those 230 horses too. It would slap light that E/78/14 up easy as you please.

My first cousin still has the car to this day....although rotting and wasting away in his back yard in the Auburn, Alabama area. Ipined for that car and would have restored it, but it just was not meant to be.