My New Shop!! Yiippeee!

Just found this thread. Nice garage Mulli. I see you didn't use windows on the bottom floor, but do you have a way to ventilate for when the fumes build up? We don't want you to suffocate on some of the fumes that accumulate when building cars. Brake cleaner, carb cleaner, paint, gas, etc...

Looks great! Love the bricks. You definately heard and learned your lesson from the three little pigs...

Thank you very much.

I decided not to have windows. I have them in my attached garage and they are dirty already from remolding it last year. I haven't even did any work in there to make them dirty. Bugs will get behind the blinds, the seals collect dust, the blinds collect dust, the window glass gets dirty, loss of R-value, thieves may enter, is that enough yet? LOL

I have seriously thought and thought about it and the verdict came down to no windows. I am going to have some type of vent fan or ceiling fan. The ceiling fan would have more CFM but fumes being sucked into the attic is my concern. A vent fan would be great but it would have be pretty nice size vent fan. I don't do a ton of painting, welding, but I do alot of sanding, cutting wood, metal polishing etc... Also with air being sucked out there has to be air coming in from somewhere. So I guess that would mean to crack the garage door or install a storm door with a screen in which I don't like screens.

Any advise would be helpful.