American manufacturing companies that are still here

Yeah you might spend 53% of your income on taxes but your home prices are still RISING, not FALLING.

The average home price continues to fall nationally.

You get more benefits, I gotta pay $95 each time to see my doctor and that is before costs of tests, meds, etc.

Have you ever looked at what it costs to see an auto mechanic, plumber, electrician, etc?

The value of your dollar is going up not down. Your wages have not been cut by 30--40% or more.

The value of the US dollar is declining due to inflation.

Its a smokescreen the US low tax rates.

Average combined federal, state, and local taxes are over 50% for most Americans.

My home is worth 40% less than 5 years ago--and that is above many other places. 5 years ago $80 US got me $100 Canadian, now $100 costs me around $110 after fees.

I should have sold everything and moved to Toronto back in 2000, believe me I kick myself in the butt for not doing so. Now I am stuck in the USA--guess its better than being stuck in Iraq, lol