"The Journey of My 72 Duster"...

Got into Hawaii this morning and went down to the satellite city hall (dmv in Hawaii) to try and sort out this stupid problem with the state statute that covers shipping a car out of the state. After two and a half hours there a very nice and sympathetic clerk said she didn't understand why the system was so messed up, so she made me a duplicate of the last registration and stamped it as being in storage. This should satisfy the "current registration" requirement to ship my car. She had to call the records dept to get the microfische copy and actually manually type a registration since my car hasn't been in the "system" for so long. I actually had great service from this govenment employee, which is a shock these days. I thanked her and told what a great help she had been. If I new it would have gone this smooth, I wouldn't have spent countless hours on the phone this past 2 weeks with everyone from the motor vehicle registration dept, Attorney Generals Offices (yes more than one of them) and all the way to the Govenors office. And would you believe no one could figure out why the statute was written the way it was and how to get around it. But this "lowly" little clerk did.

Now I feel alot better since I also got my numbers matching block out of the machine shot yesterday before I pack to leave.