Magazine Reality Check

The reasoning behind my addiction is this; every morning I get up at 5am, but I don't leave for work until 6:30. I have always been an avid reader and it is a great source of relaxation for me. After I shower and shave, I pour a cup of coffee and sit down to read for about an hour before leaving for work, this is my time. I enjoy reading magazines; some provide me with ideas or the seeds for ideas for my own project. Others provide information or insights into what others are doing on their projects. All offer me relaxation and escape from problems at work and at home. I am an information addict, I just expect value for my dollar.

I agree!
I'm so broke now no subs. I only get 1 or 2 mags a year. ABB buys them for me on birthday and Christmas. I use them for parts supply numbers.

LOL! I prefer the free mag in publication right here on FABO.
It's called

It covers different car discoveries of FABO members. It also accepts submissions from readers right here on FABO! LOL..:D
Hooked on FABO!!:cheers:

Have a great day today lrazor!