neck/back surgery

In 1979 at the age of 29, I was hit by friendly fire. I was hit by 1500 lbs that amongst other things it fused C4,C5 and part of C6. my spine of course is not straight and as I get older it gets worse. My migraine headaches have over the years increased and has the nerve damage to different areas of my body. Example, the use of my right arm specifically my right hand is now about 30%. Because of the amount and type of damage I have been told surgery cannot be attempted. Unfortunately for me because of the ever growing "S" of my backbone because of the original impact the nerves that come out of the vert. become pinched and damaged. This continues to get ever worse every year. If you could get surgery that not only could repair your injury but also prevent the misshape of your spine which would protect those nerves that is something to seriously consider.

I merely am explaining my injury to you to perhaps give you some information to make a good decision. I have no regrets as to what happened to me and I would not change a thing in my life in uniform for anything.