WTF 727 troubles--EDIT may be fixed

OK, finally got 'er on the hoist THE FRONT 4 BOLTS fell out?? of the pan. Somehow it managed to lose a bunch of fluid without getting on the exhaust or even making that much of a mess on the bottom.

So that was the leak.

I guess the other troubles were a combo of low fluid/ aeration

I got busy and installed a used Cheetah manual body I bought, so questions?

Any way to soften the BRUTAL 1-2 shift?

With the 389 gears, I MAY just elect to start mostly in 2nd for "driving."

Next, there is a FRACTION of a second of 2-3 flare. Not even a quarter second, I'd judge, just enough to tell that it's "trying" to rev between 2-3. Shift seems nice and solid.

Last question is (and the destructions SAY this) there IS NO compression braking in first

Does the mean that the "first gear burnout" situation is a no no?