Struggling at work - looking for tips.

I am also a tech , I work at a very fast pace dealership. I get pulled off jobs alot, sometimes i will have 3 jobs on the go at onetime. Some of the little things that i do is, i do not start a bolt in a caliper or anything without having the wrench in my hand to tighten it, i do one wheel at a time, when finnished i install the wheel on then move to the next, same goes for the oil plug, start it and tighten at the same time, always install the oil filter before i put the oil plug in. when installing the tires snug up before lowering the hoist to the ground, I leave the hoist arms under it with slight pressure on the lifting points, torque all wheels with a torque wrench then finnish lowering the hoist and remove the arms, When draining the coolant, never pull out the drain pan until i tighten the drain first. Its works for me. When the boss pulls me off a job , i eighter tighten what i am doing first or remove it. and place it on the hiost arm where its in plain sight. Yes i have left things loose and had stupid little combacks, no one perfect, but this pattern of doings thing has worked very well for me (knock on wood) LOL.