CDL questions?

when you go to take your test take the air brake first.......(why you may ask) if you cant pass (and i hope you do) air brake you cant get your cdl's ....thats what i tell all my buddies and i nc as you take a test you can ask if they will put it on your license cause if you dont take all the test in a certain time you loss what you have i lost 1 of my test workin and not being able to go like i should of luck to you and study the book...1 more thing here in nc there are schools that you can go to and pay 400.00 and take/learn everything you need to do..once you feel good they(school) test you on there truck and if you pass you get a paper to take to dmv and get your lic. and never have to drive for this schools here you get 4 chances to pass..might be something to look in to not as much pressure on you with the school as to dmv..mike:glasses7: