ALL I wanted was a little fun

Any how do we know they aren't doing that?

I could give you several examples right in my back yard, that they aren't. I know several officers and one police chief. The officers, some of them, maybe one of them is a standup guy. The chief is a pretty good egg too. But there are far too many that aren't.

One cop here got busted a few years back after he pulled over a girl on her way home and said he would let her go for favors. When she got home she call the State Police and they wired her, she called the cop back and said she reconsidered and would he come over, only to be arrested.

Had a couple more from two different departments here local put their heads together to cover up a small fender bender that one of the officers was in, he had been to a party and had a couple, they got caught in a lie and both lost their jobs.

Had another one go to his neighbors to ask them to quiet down as they were being loud, took his service weapon with him, there was an accidental shooting that injured one of the party goers.

Had another put a kid in the backseat of his cruiser at the high school without frisking him, the kid had a gun on him and committed suicide in the back seat.

All of this has transpired in a very small rural community, I can't imagine what the larger departments are like.

What gripes me like I said before a lot of them think they are above the law and can do as they please, when we have to follow the law or suffer the consequences if caught.