heavy engine braking & cheetah VB

Questions, did you have all the same setup prior to the valve body install?

Did the issue arise directly after the valve body install?

Is your throttle linkage free and working nicely after removing all the kick down lever jibber jabber?

Does the gear shifter in your car feel like it is accurately clicking into each gear? Any binding or slop? I would run the gear shifter (it is backwards from D to 1 obviously) and have a person under the car to verify the tranny lever is exactly going thru its proper range of motion or visa versa.

First impression is you have some sort of drag or overlap issue where the low band is not releasing or some shi#.
I know a little about trannies but have rebuilt 10 or so when I was a kid.
When I made a mistake sometimes a band or clutch would fail to release causing a big dragging sensation when certain gears were engaged.

One tranny i built would drag when in second. You can feel it, like the car just got 1500 pounds heavier while in that gear, then when it hit third the issue was gone, felt like the car lost 1500 pounds and would take off. Pulled tranny, put ring on front pump (GM).

I would try third to see if that effect happens there so you can differentiate if it is a motor issue or related to second gear only. My guess is there is an issue with the install where low band is dragging in second gear.

Is the valve body a "low band apply"? type? My Cheeta is not. Works great. Not designed for hard abuse most would say.

Some trans experts may come on here and shed more light on band or gear overlap causes.
