Budget 17" Wheel Option

Before I go full bore ahead w/ these rims, I have a question.

I'm wondering if I would be better off biting the bullet and buying some zero offset aftermarket 17 x 8 rims w/ the correct advertised 5 x 114.3 bolt spacing instead of the steel LX wheels (of which there is much debate a hand wringing over bolt spacing)?

1. I wouldn't have to run spacers.
2. I wouldn't have to buy longer wheel studs.
3. I could travel with peace of mind, knowing I have the correct bolt spacing.
4. I'd also be putting to rest the 115 vs. 114.3 debate about the LX wheels (at least as it pertains to my car).
5. I could fit a larger tire, correctly, on the rim w/ an 8" vs. a 7" wide rim.

The car will be used on weekends for trips to Houston (50 miles away) and Dallas (250 miles away), drag raced maybe once every couple of months (1/8 mile), and I still want to run it at TX Mile in the next couple of years (hoping it'll go 140 mph w/ the right rear gears and an air dam). The steel LX wheels appealed to me because I could run moon discs at the TX Mile. I can't really do that w/ the aftermarket wheels I'm looking at.

Your thoughts?