Struggling at work - looking for tips.

Just wanted to reply to a few things here. I understand that this might come off as "I am careless, how do I fix it?". Being careless is not the issue, I have no desire to re do things or put peoples lives in jeopardy.

Distraction for me (a person with ADHD) can be instantaneous. The type of distraction that others have mentioned can obviously be a problem for me or anyone. The kind of distraction I am referring to can be caused by someone walking by me or the sound of a door opening. There have been times when I am distracted like this and whatever I was doing (say, tightening a bolt) might as well could have never happened since my brain is already on to the next thing. Unfortunately, my brain is wired that way. I am trying to come up with methods to combat this tendency so I don't screw things up. It's easier said than done when you have to undo a lifetime of doing things a certain way.

But you know, I have come to realize that I may have been a little arrogant before and have never really instituted any rules for myself, like 'double check your work'. I have come to the conclusion that this attitude does not work. Hopefully this will help me to slow down and think before I let something fly. What can I say, better late than never.

I did actually use the paint pen method on a subsequent brake job and it worked OK. I also had a pretty big job to do where I had to take a lot of stuff apart. When I put it all back together, I paused at each 'threshold' to make sure all fasteners were tight and anything else was back in its proper place. I also tried to keep my cart as clutter free as possible. I did a good job and everything went back together smoothly. Yeah, it took forever but warranty paid 5 hours so it was not an easy task. I was proud of myself!

Thanks for all the advice, suggestions and encouragement, its been very helpful.

- Greg

It takes time and you will get yourself trained if you work on it. I am also ADD but not Hyper. Your mind runs in high speed and in 20 directions at the same time. There are certain triggers that really do you in. My worst trigger is that da^& beeping noise at McDonalds for when the french fries are ready. I don't go to McDonalds because of it. There was different seven catagories of ADD identified when I was tested but they could have added to them since then. Do some research and see what type you are and see what methods that others use in daily life. I am not talking drugs, I am talking coping skills. I can have a dozen projects going on at once and have to make myself go back and finish them. Of course these are my projects and nothing for others. In some ways we are blessed because we can work on many things at once.