Dodge is on its game...2012 SRT8 Charger

"Look out for lack of fuel economy if you daily drive this in a urban setting, like a big city. It will not do any better than the current large Chrysler cars which is in the 12-15 MPG range, when driven under 50 MPH...they do better in overdrive on the highway, so if all you do is 55+ MPH in your commuting, you'll be upper teens/low 20s MPG overall when you fill up (ignore the phoney trip computer readout - divide the miles by the gallons you pump into the tank when you fill it."

Don't be too sure of yourself here,rumor has it that even the SRT8 models will be coming with the MDS system also !!:blob::blob::blob:

The MDS system certainly helps fuel economy by de-activating cylinders, abd that is a good thing, but what is missed is that excessive weight, more than 2 tons, has a more negative effect, that is not offset in any large way by MDS.

Fuel economy is most greatly affected by weight, rolling resistance, gearing, and the like.

My best friends 2011 SRT392 Challenger is lucky to get 15 MPG on a tank of gas in the city. On the highway, yes- the car does better - but my only point was - if you live in or do a lot of urban stop and go driving, expect the numbers that were posted, based on what my friend's 2011 SRT392 Challenger returns.

At $3.50-4.00 / GALLON, gas mileage does factor into the equation, if you drive a car like the Charger SRT8 everyday.