what were you doing on 9/11

Getting ready for a business appointment with some repeat customers. My wife had left for work and I was eating breakfast watching TV when I saw the 1st plane hit the tower. I thought to myself, what are they showing movies in the morning for. Couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I was watching the news. Then while I was wondering what the name of the movie was that they were previewing, the second aircraft hit the other tower and it dawned on me that I was watching real life in real time. Pretty much sat there in shock for an hour ot two, I could not believe anyone could be so cruel or stupid. Sort of lost my international virginity that day. Ten years later, I am not real optimistic that it will ever end. I think it would scare us real bad if we knew how many other attacts have been stopped. We literally have "barbarians at the gates" I feel bad for my kids, grandkids and so on. It will only continue to get worse. The first domino has been toppled in the string to armageddon I'm afraid. I am glad i have my cars for occupying my thoughts and time. Keeps my mind from thinking about it too much.