what were you doing on 9/11

I was on vacation that week. I had intended on sleeping in, the TV was still on from when my wife had left for work. I was lying on the bed, half asleep, half listening to the news, when they came on and started talking about the first plane hitting. I sat up and was watching that when the second plane hit.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
When I heard what all had happened, I was some kind of pissed.
About 4:30 that day, the Army Reserve unit I was assigned to called. I was told that we were to report that night.
We were given a situation report, all of our gear was inspected, we were made to get paperwork in order. We built machine gun nests and check points near the Reserve Center. We had .50cal M2's set up and were told to blast anyone who went thru the checkpoints.
2 days later we were pulling security in an airport in Minnesota. When people were finally allowed to fly again we pulled security in the terminals as well. When the Minnesota Nat Guard came, we went home.
2 years later, I was in Iraq.
That day changed my life. Changed my attitude about an entire religion and changed my perception of the world in general.
What really pisses me off is, that my son and my grand kids didn't get to grow up in the America that I grew up in.