what were you doing on 9/11

Ten years ago today, I worked grave yards at Wal-Mart and was on my way home listening to K-bear when they said that some idiot had flown their plane into the twin towers. America had no idea what had just started. I got home and turned on the television and watched the rest unfold. I can vividly remember sitting there watching the news cast as the second plane flew in. In that moment, the world changed. As I watched for the rest of the day, I can remember the emotions that I felt. The helplessness for all the people in New York and around the country, and even the world. It seemed to me that we were stuck in a bad movie, it didn't seem real. I remember going to work that night and every person had a look of shock. No one really said anything. The panic had already started and lots of things were gone off of the shelves. I remember that most of the associates sit in the back room and watched the news about all night. The world will never be the same.

God Bless America, our home sweet home!!!!
