what were you doing on 9/11

I was fixing a computer in an elementary school classroom. The computer had lost it's internet connection. I changed the patch cable and it seemed okay so I went to the CNN website. That was routine because the CNN website always had a timestamp and we could check the page was fresh and not cached. I rarely looked at the headline, just the timestamp, but I noticed this one. It was only a few minutes after the first hit and they had no details. The teacher saw the look on my face and asked what was wrong. I told her and she went pale. Her best friend worked at WTC (she survived). I went to the library because I knew the TV in there was working and only the librarian would be there. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I called the principal and by the time she got there the second plane hit. It wasn't hard to figure out by then that it was terrorism. I'll never forget that day.