Thermoquad Tuning & Troubleshooting

Moparmal said
The floats are either nitrophyl or brass........the centre section is phenolic.

The hot water expands the air inside the float, and if theres a hole it escapes and causes bubbles...

Similar to testing for a leak in a tyre.

Im not sure whats so hard to understand about the concept Ramcharger? [-X

Of course this would work on brass float. But why bother if all you have to do is shake it and listen for trapped fuel?

The nitrophyl floats work with "closed cell" construction, similiar to a foam cup. They go bad when some of the cells start to absorb fuel. There is no inner sealed "area" where air is trapped for flotation, hence dropping them in hot water will show nothing. Drop them in a container full of solvent and see if they float. Simple. No need to boil water. :)