what were you doing on 9/11

I was sleeping after a 12 hr shift. I left radio on, on accident. I woke up to hearing these radio jockeys that I hate, talking about thousands dying in NYC trade centers etc. I instantly got pissed, I started yelling at my radio. I thought those radio jockeys that I hated were joking. All I could think was what kind of fucked up radio hosts would joke about **** like that,,,,,,I kept slamming my hand on my radio untill it shut off.

About 10 min. later I turned the TV on......bam,,,,,no one was joking. I went to my grandpa's house a few hours later and passed the commercial gate at McCord AFB. I stopped at the stop sign,,,,,,,,,looked left,,,,,,,,,and there was a fuckin' M1 Abrams tank stairing at the commercial gate. I havent seen that before or since. When I saw the tank I prolly didnt breathe for 30 seconds. I just sat there and staired at the tank for a while thinking about how things are getting very serious very fast.

I guess I have a new perspective on muslims/islam/the world now. I watched on TV thousands and thousands of muslims from all different countries cheer and celebrate our pain. Burn our flag. My personal opinion is that when anyone on TV or anywhere else says were trying to win "hearts and minds" in Afghanistan or elsewhere.........they are full of ****. I've heard it over and over and over..........this is about getting even by killing, by putting bullets in the enemies heads.....simple as that. Once "America" has killed enough people, we will be even and i'm ok with that.

I personally think we are even now. About square.