Dart party

I've been working on re-covering my seats. I started with the back part of the back seat. Before:

It had some sort of scrubbing pads glued across the top, for some reason. Glued right down on the vinyl. Here's a picture of the cover once I took it off to use as a template:

And here is my seat back, restuffed, recovered, and hog ringed all up:

I'm super pleased with how not-as-hard-as-I-thought-it-would-be constructing the seat cover was. I'm also really happy with the materials I chose and how they work together. I actually had a vision of almost this exact fabric paired with almost this exact vinyl and was able to find close enough approximations online that I feel my vision was realized! I'm also really stoked to have a whole seat portion put together.

On the other hand, it's obviously lopsided. I think that was partly in my sewing one of the sides back on and partly in my applying the cover to the seat. It didn't want to line up right, but I decided to begin hog ringing and hope I could work it out as I went. It still ended up lopsided.

For now, I'm going to leave it. I'm going to keep working on seat portions. I chose the back seat back to start with because I figured it had the least that could go wrong with it, and I made myself swear I wouldn't be a perfectionist about it and just get it done. If I get the other three seat portions done and still feel like the lopsidedness is sticking in my craw, I'll try to manipulate it again. But at this point, progress is more important than perfection, so tally ho!