vacuum advance

I got a mini starter also. With 14 initial timing there should not be a problem, there is no vacuum until the motor runs. My start retard is built in to the E Curve dist

The old cheap trick years ago was a on/off switch by the drivers seat to turn the ignition off/on. You would crank the engine with the ignition off and once it was cranking over flip the ignition on. Was great for a weak battery or starter or lock out timing

I am working on getting a mini starter for it. The current starter is a many years old rebuilt that was in the car when I bought it. I figure it is just losing it's power, especially running a higher compression that stock with the new motor.

This is all in an attempt to keep the car from missing during coast conditions. Acceleration is good, but maintaining constant speed, the car misses a lot. Doesn't really low you down, it is just an irritating pop-pa-pop out of the exhaust.
Also looking into getting a brand new distributor. The current distributor looks relatively new and clean, but I don't know if it is causing the trouble.
I am running an electronic ignition. The control box is just a year old and the wiring was new then too, just the dist was used.