Porksoda's 1966 Dodge Dart GT

On the guage problem you might check the voltage regulator which is a small rectangular device that plugs into the back of the guage cluster. Its about 1.25 " x 3/4 " and has three flat prongs that slip into the cluster. This thing is supposed to drop the voltage for the guages from 12 v to 5v. If it failed maybe its allowing too much voltage thru the guages making them read high.

Why not rebuild the carb - kits are cheap and the carb for that motor is the definition of simple. You probably have some dirt or build up in the float bowl causing it to stick.

Car looks great nice to see another one being resurrected !

noticed it has a base model dart deck lid, the GTs have a heavy AL trim piece that fits across the back between the tailights. You could add one to your car if you can find one, drill some holes and use the right fastners.

Have fun with it !