Stupid question about hooking up Lokar throttle cable

The directions are not so awesome, as I'm sure some of you may know. I've searched the forums, but apparently I'm the only one with this question. Actually, numerous questions. I'll try to break them down one at a time, bare with me!

1) The directions say "Note: cable housing must not be straight between fittings". What exactly does this mean? Should I put a loop in the whole cable?

2) It says in BOLD letters: "DO NOT remove ferrule when cutting housing. Be sure to slide ferrule back." What's the reasoning for this? How am I supposed to slide it back when it stops at the throttle cable housing?

I'm just kind of confused to this whole procedure. My biggest question is, in the attached pictures, do I have this hooked up right? I'm assuming that piece on the end is the "clevis"?

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