The Great White Brick - '69 Valiant

I didn't take any photos, but the last couple of days I've spent my spare time putting the last few coats of MCU and chassis black under the car. It's unbelievable how clean it is now under there compared to when it first rolled into my life! The entire under side of this car has been degreased, de-undercoated, scraped, scrubbed, rinsed, sandblasted where necessary then painted with 2 coats of rust encapsulating paint and 1 coat of rock hard chassis black. It's like a new car under there now.

I will say this though, after spending probably close to 100 hours, (maybe more, I really haven't kept's been weeks and weeks!) under the car, scraping, rubbing, brushing, cleaning, painting, swearing and and bleeding...I will NEVER do this again unless the car is on a rotisserie. There, I've said it. Now I can move on with my life and one day I'll probably forget I said that and do it again, but right now the thought makes me ill.